November of this year my best friend, Kristina and I decided we wanted to go abroad during the summer. We were sick of sitting at home all summer working all day and missing Rhode Island.
But there was no way we could go abroad during the year and miss nights at Charlie O's and sushi at Peking Tokyo! So summer abroad it was! We researched and found two possible programs, Greece or Italy. Greece was only two weeks long whereas Italy was four. Italy it was!
Now 8 months later and here we are sitting in an apartment in San Demetrio Corone, Italy studying for our final Italian exam. We only have four more days here and it still feels like a weird dream.
Not going to lie, I was a little nervous about traveling to a foreign country with Kristina. She's my best friend but traveling with someone can change your entire relationship.
In every relationship people fight and disagree and we are no exception. I couldn't be happier to have gone on this trip with someone like her. We definitely rely on one another for support and understanding at times where we are struggling but we can also hang out with other people on the trip and not feel jealous.
We know each other almost too well but if anything this trip has made us accept each other's flaws even more.
A lot of people may look at the two of us and think how are they friends? We couldn't be more different but that is what helps us to never get bored. I don't want a best friend whose exactly like me....that would be boring....

To be honest, I think we are both a little insane and that is what keeps us hooked. You need someone who can (sometimes) understand your insanity, love for food, pet peeves and general outlook on life. Even if you don't necessarily agree with their every opinion.
Kristina, thank you for putting up with my shit and being there for me in the last two years when I'm having my mental breakdown. I couldn't have asked for a better best friend especially to come to Italy with me. This experience wouldn't have been nearly as fun without you. I know your probably going to read this, do an awkward giggle and make fun of me but after this trip and the couple of fights we've had I appreciate you more than I ever did before. Can't wait to travel with you and my family for the next 10 days...it should be a whole other experience.

Heres a little throwback from the good ol' days....
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