Heres an interesting question.....if you were in a foreign country for a little over 2 weeks and "broke" your ankle, what would you do?
Would you tough it out and experience the country from the view of a shopping cart lovingly pushed around by your good friends or would you cry on an airplane U.S. bound?
On the 4th of July after we were done shooting off sparklers and fireworks with our new Italian friends, we had a couple of unfortunate events occur.
First, Kristina got her foot burned by one of our many sparklers. As small as the burn looked no one can say that it wouldn't hurt like hell. So we ran to the nearest bar and washed it off then continued on back to get some more drinks.
Then, on our way back two of our friends ran past saying something about Allie, one of our good friends on the trip, having to go to the hospital. She had been doing an Italian dance we all had just learned called the "Tarantella" aka the tarantula dance (youtube it) and had landed on her foot wrong.
Next thing we all knew she was being shipped off to the local doctor and the whole night had taken a very sad turn.
There were many "12 o'clock" rumors ,as we like to call them here, floating around about how bad it was, if she was going home, what the doctors had done etc. All we could do was wait.
In the end, Allie had gone through a somewhat hellish night where she was stuck with doctors who couldn't do anything official, didn't speak english and weren't very sympathetic to her at all. All in all, it was the last thing someone going through an immense amount of pain should ever go through.
To this day, we still don't fully know what she has done to her ankle. What kind of meds she needs or how serious it actually is but Allie has toughed it out and I couldn't be happier to have had her with us through this whole experience.
Somehow through all of this stress and frustration for Allie we have all only grown closer. I admire Allie more than anyone on this trip for toughing it out for as long as she has. Shes gone through hell and back yet still had the ability to have a smile on her face and joke around with all of us. Shes crutched up and down the hills of Southern Italy in order to swim with all of us in the gorgeous blue Ionian Sea. Shes sat for hours on a sweaty bus with a gross cast on her ankle so she can be told that shes going to have to crutch a couple miles to see the church in Leece or get to see her friends cliff jump into the ocean.
Through it all shes kept a smile on her face and even gotten to have one too many house specials from Bar Centralle.

Last night on our tour of the Senatore Vini Vineyards in Calabria, Allie's foot started to get swollen again and she had to go to the hospital.
On our drive home Allie mentioned she didn't want to be "annoying" anymore with her ankle.
I hope that she knows that she will never be a burden or annoying to any of us. With or without her accident she would still be a very important part of this wonderful group of people. We ALL wish we could go back in time and make it any of us that was doing that stupid dance instead of her.
Timmy, the name we have given her bum ankle, has been a bit of a nuisance but at the same time a great edition as well. He has brought many laughs on those long, hot days.
Allie, I know right now that everything may seem like shit from this trip but I hope you know how much you mean to all of us. I admire you so much and can't wait to continue laughing and sharing good times with you back in Rhode Island. Most importantly don't ever forget the good times you had here and your new amicas <3

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