As a newbie in the blogger world, I really shouldn't be taking breaks as long as 10 days...but I was on vacation and spending 9 euros (!) on internet seemed a little bit ridiculous.
But I'm BACK and ready to get this thing kicking again!
The last 10 days were spent actually discovering Italy for what most people know it for. Me, Kristina, my mom, her boyfriend Tim and my sister Amanda traveled to Positano, Florence, Milan and CinqueTerre.

All of them absolutely gorgeous but very different from one another.
I am forever grateful to my mom for giving me the amazing opportunity to see other parts of Italy after already being there for a month. This study abroad trip would have been a complete bust without her.
What did the last 10 days consist of? Let me sum it up for you? (otherwise this blog would be the longest in history)
train strike, private cars, curvy cliffs, amazing sea bass, stray dogs that my mom feeds one too many biscuits, gelato, gelato, gelato, gloomy weather, tourist zip-ups even though we swore we wouldn't be caught dead in them, lemons everywhere, hiking, creepy guys trying to sell leather jackets, buying leather jackets, buying one-to-many string bracelets, searching for the perfect rings and finding them, not getting stared at everywhere we go, Italian train stations, scary homeless men, I <3 milano/firenze/ positano shirts, hotel busboys, heated towel racks that you don't know are heated till you burn yourself on it, amazing views, of lifeguards at the pool..., some tense moments with the fam (one too many days together can do that) and finally plenty of laughs with my best friend, who most definitely kept me sane this vacation (thank you a million Kristina, I couldn't have done it without you)

Although Kristina and I loved every minute of our 10-day vacation with my mom, we were definitely ready to come home.
Some things we missed desperately:
1) dunkin donuts iced coffee with actual ice cubes in it
2) beds that aren't twin beds
3) real laundry machines, not buckets in our friends sink and a basin...
4) english speaking waiters and waitresses
5) breakfast that doesn't involve every pastry ever created
and finally 6) restaurants that serve food other than Italian food
This may me sound ungrateful but I promise you I couldn't be happier that I got to experience such an amazing month in Italy. I will never forget any of the people I met or the places I went.

Now onto transitioning back into life at home.
I am still feeling pretty jetlagged...hence why it took me 4 days to actually sit down and blog this. Kristina and I spent our first 48 hours back in the U.S. doing/eatng (mostly eating) everything we had truly missed while overseas.
This includes:

1) Dunkin donuts breakfast sandwiches and iced coffee (felt like every morning at URI)
2) watching all the episodes of Pretty Little Liars we had missed
3) CALIFORNIA TORTILLA BURRITOS! (I, proudly, introduced Kristina to the bbq chicken ranch burrito at Cal-tor. May not be the best thing to eat after feeling like a thousands lbs of pasta are just chilling in your stomach but when your craving mexican for a month..you get it!)
4) Real housewives of New Jersey (not ashamed of my love of this crazy jersey women)
5) visited my sister Jodi with her puppy Teddy (isn't actually a puppy at all considering he could take me down if he wanted to)
6) fish dinner with my stepmom and dad (homemade meal!)
7) more dunkin the next morning (helps with jetlag, I swear)
8) bagels with flavored cream cheese (YUM YUM YUMMMM)
9) sweetgreen salads (finally having salads that have all the toppings we want)
then Kristina and I had to part for the first time in over a month :( but don't you fret its only for about 12 days then I head to Jersey to go to Seaside with her and some other biddies from URI :)
I love being home but the part of summer I'm really excited for is getting ready to go back to school and move into our house in Bonnet! I need to be back in the land of Charlie O's, Tidal waves, Iggys clam chowder, and my wonderful beautiful Rampack girls <3
well that was a lot of listing for one blog post...can you tell I'm too tired to function?
time for me to go back to sleep....
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